Meet Noelia, the Girl that brings Christmas spirit!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!!, hope you have a great time of togetherness and gratitude.
Give Thanks always!, Gratitude can transform your common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy and change ordinary opportunities into blessings. Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more.

Today,  we start a wonderful season of  preparation for Christmas!!!

Let me share with you, one on my Christmas projects I've been challenged for the last weeks, this time I wanted to try something a little bit different with my dolls, and I think I got it!,... "Embroidered eyes and lips" ?, what do you think? Let me tell you, that glance really melted my heart when I saw the final result. I used the same "soft sculpture technique", used embroidery floss for her eyes and her tiny lips, did you notice her little stars earrings?,  simple brown yarn as hair and crocheted her complete Christmas outfit.

Meet Noelia!, She is sure to bring Christmas spirit when you see her!

Hope you like it! 


  1. Wow dear Rosie
    The first impression is a classy Christmas girl from the NY City.
    You really know how to make impressions people.


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