Meet Lulu

This cutie is one of my first attempts to make a Doll.
While making her I traveled back to my childhood when I used to play with fabric dolls made for my grandma and aunties, and remember how much I love them!
Looking for patterns on the web, I found out how easy you can fall in love with doll making,  you just let your imagination run thinking about how her face is going to turn out, the  hair color you will pick, make it curly or straight, you can even be a fashion designer when you make the tiny clothes and accessories, also  thinking on what name are you going to pick!
This Doll's name is "Lulu", a nickname from Luisa, my mother's name. Actually  I made it for her. :)

I am going to share with you the source that inspired me to make this doll; For the body I used a pattern taken from Pinterest,  but I did a modification with her head and I used a 5.5 inches  circumference to make it with the "soft sculpture doll techniques" and I was so happy with the final result.  Body is made with popeline fabric and the head with soft cotton on the same beige color. I used yarn for her hair, crocheted her top and used demin fabric for her jeans, her shoes were painted  with acrylic paint.
I really enjoyed elaborating Lulu!

 Hope you like it!


  1. Congratulations 🎊 Rosie this handmade beautiful doll is fantastic, I like her design.

  2. Qué preciosidad !!! Y esas pestañas... !!
    Ainsssss, qué arte tienes !!
    Amiga... no es nada fácil lo que haces !!
    Mis respetos.


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