Photos and props

 Day 6 of #AmiguruMay Photos and Props

📸 Good pictures are always the way show your work, I used to take pics with a digital camera, but with cameras updates I just had to switch to my cell phone and that's the only device I use for my photos, I have a little desk-call stand for my phone  to avoid camera shake. 

✨To take pictures, I definitely prefer daylight so I set me pictures session for the mornings 🌄

🪄Props I use for my photo shoots are:  foam boards, also satin fabric , fabric with texture, snow cover blankets, all in colors that match with my doll's outfit.  If the doll is taller than 12 inches I use  dolls stands for better support.

🧶 Also I may use yarn balls, buttons, wooden letters, little gems, small crocheted pieces (hearts, flowers etc) and some cute accessory like tin boxes.

📲 I leave the rest  "to picture edition", I like to give any filter touch add my logo and some other info. 

🥰Taking pictures is fun! and is very rewarding for me taking the chance to capture the best image of my work to show  to the world, that's just priceless 😍



#challenge #igchallenge

#Amigurumi #crochet #crochettoys  #handmadedolls #spring #crochetaddict #crochetdolls #crochetlover 

#amigurumidoll #crochetlovers #amantesdelcrochet #handmadewithlove #ganchillo #hechoamanoconamor  #hechoamano #muñecosacrochet #handmade

#muñecoshechosamano #amigurumilove

 #cutecrochet #artesania #loveamigurumis  #crochetismypassion


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